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Phone: (937) 843-3328

    Welcome to the Logan County Sewer District 

    We manage the sanitary sewer services for the Village of Russells Point, Village of Lakeview, Village of Belle Center, Village of Huntsville and the surrounding areas of the Indian Lake region through a series of underground piping and lift stations. The wastewater generated in these areas are conveyed to our Indian Lake Regional wastewater treatment facility where it is processed under the strict guidelines and specifications of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. Treated wastewater is then discharged into the Great Miami River. 

    We also manage sanitary sewer service on the eastern part of the County for commercial and industrial users along the US 33 corridor. Wastewater generated from these customers is conveyed to our Flat Branch wastewater treatment facility where it is processed under the strict guidelines and specifications of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. Treated wastewater is then discharged into the Big Darby Creek.

    Our mission is to provide a reliable service for all our customers that is efficient and cost effective as we protect the environment. The Logan County Sewer District is a non-discriminating service provider.

    Call Before You Dig!

    The Logan County Sewer Distrct is a member of the Ohio Utilities Protection Service (O.U.P.S.). When you contact O.U.P.S. we are notified by the call center to mark for the sanitary sewer. Sanitary sewer lines are marked with green paint. 

    Latest News

    The Logan County Sewer District has restored sanitary sewer service to all areas affected by the tornado and storms that occurred on March 14, 2024 at approximately 7:30 pm. As of 2:00pm today, 29 of the 32 main pump stations are fully operational. The remaining 3 pump stations includes the Belle Center, Orchard Island, and Wolfe Island locations and are operational through the use of an emergency diesel pump. Damage to the Belle Center pump station and Orchard Island pump station is extensive. We are currently unable to determine the length of time necessary to repair these stations due to parts availability.

    There are no customers without sanitary sewer service that we are aware of. The Sewer District has rescinded its request for customers to reduce their water use unless their local water service provider has a similar request/order in place. Please be aware that the storm and clean up efforts may result in dislodged sanitary sewer manholes. Please notify the Sewer District of missing or offset manholes.

    The Sewer District’s Administration Office has reopened and is operational for its normally scheduled office hours of Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Customers needing to contact the Sewer District for emergency response can call the main number at 937-843-3348 and speak with staff during business hours or select the emergency option to be directed to the on-call technician during after hours.

    I want to thank Shelby County, the City of Lima, and the City of Sidney for providing additional portable generators. Their use was instrumental in the quick restoration of services. Additionally, I want to thank the Logan County Commissioners for providing the necessary resources and equipment that was essential to our response effort. The patience and understanding of our customers and the communities we serve is greatly appreciated.

    Brian Schultz,

    Director Logan County Sewer District

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