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    Sanitary Sewer Rates & Fees

    Beginning with the January 2023 service period, the sanitary sewer rates will be increasing. These increases are necessary to keep pace with increased costs due to inflation and needed capital improvement projects. The Sewer District has not had a significant increase above 3% since 2013 and our current rates have not increased since 2021.In addition to an overall rate increase, the Sewer District will implement a revised rate structure that provides more equitable distribution of costs across all service classifications.

    Domestic Rate

    Domestic Rates, aka Residential Rates, will increase from $45.50/month to $50.50/month beginning January 1, 2023. This 11% increase of the monthly base rate will result in the single-family residence paying an additional $60.00/year for sanitary sewer service. Residential Rates are applied to each Equivalent Dwelling Unit or EDU. Each single-family residence is equal to 1 EDU; Duplexes are counted as 2 EDUs; Triplexes are counted as 3 EDUs.

    Commercial/Domestic Rate

    The Commercial/Domestic rate mirrors the Domestic Rate and is applied to commercial customers that have a wastewater discharge that is otherwise residential. This rate is applied per assigned EDU. This includes mobile home parks, Apartment Buildings, Condominiums, etc. Accounts classified as Commercial/Domestic are subject to the Domestic Volume Charge when flows exceed the allocated volume per EDU. 1 EDU includes 6,000 gallons.

    Commercial/Industrial Rate

    Commercial and Industrial customers will see a rate increase from $45.50/month to $75.75/month for each connection. Commercial and Industrial customers are subject to a 1.5 multiplier to the residential rates to better reflect the impact of those users on the sanitary sewer system and wastewater treatment plant. Domestic rates include an allowance of 500 mg/l of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and 250mg/l of TSS (Total Suspended Solids). The 1.5x multiplier means that Commercial and Industrial customers have a base allowance of 750 mg/l of COD and 325 mg/l of TSS. Wastewater discharges exceeding the COD and TSS allowances will be charged the Extra StrengthSurcharge to account for this additional loading to the sanitary sewer system and wastewater treatment plant. Refer to the Logan County Sewer District’s Rates/Fees/Penalties Schedule for specific information regarding these charges.

    Volume Charges

    Domestic Volume Charge: Certain commercial and institutional accounts, discharging typical domestic wastewater in excess of the 6,000 gallons/month included in the base rate, will be charged an equivalent rate to the Residential Rates for each 1,000 gallons in excess of 6,000 gallons. This rate is determined by the following calculation:

    Residential Base Rate of $50.50 ÷ (6,000 gallons ÷ 1,000 gallons) = Domestic Volume Charge


    $50.50 ÷ 6 = $8.42 per 1,000 gallons in excess of 6,000 gallons

    Non-Domestic Volume Charge: Certain commercial and industrial accounts, discharging non-domestic wastewater in excess of the 6,000 gallons/month included in the base rate, will be charged an equivalent rate to the Commercial/Industrial base rate for each 1,000 gallons in excess of 6,000 gallons. This rate is determined by the following calculation:

    Com/Ind Base Rate of $75.75 ÷ (6,000 gallons ÷ 1,000 gallons) = Domestic Volume Charge


    $75.75 ÷ 6 = $12.63 per 1,000 gallons in excess of 6,000 gallons

    Licensed RV Park Rates

    Licensed RV Parks will be charged 1 EDU for the connection to the sanitary sewer that includes the sewer connection and offices, shower houses, etc., and 0.4 EDUs per RV Site regardless of occupancy. Each EDU includes a monthly flow allowance of 6,000 gallons. Flows in excess of the flow allowance will be billed for each additional 1,000 gallons at the Domestic Volume Charge. Licensed RV Parks that do not have a flow meter approved by the LCSD will be billed

    1 EDU per RV site.

    For example, a RV Park with 100 RV sites that discharges 300,000 gallons in a month will be billed according to the following:

    Commercial/Domestic Base Rate

    Total # of EDUs x Commercial Domestic Rate = Base Charge


    41 EDUs x$50.50 =$2,070.50

    Domestic Volume Charge

    Total Metered Flow – (41 EDUs x 6,000 gallon flow allowance) ÷ 1,000 =

    (300,000 gallons–246,000 gallons) ÷ 1,000= 54

    54 (1,000 gallon units) x $8.42 = $454.68

    Total Monthly Bill: $2,070.50 + $454.68 =$2,525.18

    Un-licensed RV Park Rates

    Un-licensed RV Parks will be charged 1 EDU per RV site regardless of occupancy.

    If you have any questions regarding these rate increases and how they will impact your property, please contact our office at 937-843-3328 or

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